What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body’s natural immune system response to foreign invaders, like toxins, bacteria, viruses, and physical damage.  In moderation, inflammation is a good thing. When you get a cut or bruise, inflammation is your body’s way of detecting the problem, communicating the appropriate response, to its immune system players and carrying it out. This is how your body is healed.

You wouldn’t survive if it wasn’t for inflammation.

There are TWO main types of inflammation:

  • Short term inflammatory process is called acute inflammation

  • Chronic inflammation persists and is an unhealthy response of the immune system


Good Inflammation that does the job and then quits



You are picking up fire wood on your camping trip and inadvertently get a splinter lodged in your hand. Your immune system is set up to recognize that a foreign object has gone through your skin. You get a pimple which is just a bunch of white blood cells that have come to the rescue to get rid of that threat.

You now know that you’ve got a splinter and you get your tweezers and remove the splinter!

The body releases inflammatory compounds…which cause the increased blood flow - thus redness, swelling, pain and warmth.

Once the splinter is removed, your finger can heal.

Or: you successfully fight the latest round of colds going around the office or your classroom (if you are a teacher).

Chronic Inflammation

Bad Inflammation

Inflammation is a key root cause of all modern chronic disease

Inflammation is a key root cause of all modern chronic disease


Sometimes your immune system gets confused.

  • You become hypersensitive or allergic to foods or to chemicals.

  • Your immune system gets diverted and doesn’t go after the mutant cells and you develop some kind of cancer

  • You’re the one at work that is always getting the flu that is going around.

  • You are diagnosed with an autoimmune disease

In this case, the inflammatory process doesn’t turn off and it taxes your immune system so that it can’t do its job of fighting infection, getting rid of cancer cells, protecting the body from toxins, and knowing friend from foe. Your immune system may mistakenly tag a food, a good microbe or your own body’s tissue as a foe that needs to be attacked. This exacerbates an already inflamed body.



The gut is the place to shift the immune system

Because most of the immune system is in and near the gut lining, we have to look at what is happening there.

Your microbial gut inhabitants are nicely lined up along the one celled lining of your gut when it’s healthy. They actually protect against invaders! When this barrier or skin breaks down (a leaky gut), it’s the immune system that pays the price.

When the gut is “LEAKY”, we know the immune system is over taxed. Healing the gut and optimizing your microbial community will help heal the immune system.

See Your Unique Microbiome