QEST Helps Get Rid of Pain of Broken Bone and Heals in Half the Time

After breaking his collar bone and seeing you a few days later, Will discontinued his pain meds which he had begged for just the day before.  At week two he had quit wearing his sling except at night. When we went for the follow up with the Orthopedic 3 weeks post break, the doc said he hadn’t seen even a child bone heal that fast. At that point the doc said to discontinue the sling use all together. Originally they told us to have him wear the sling continuously for 5-6 weeks. 

Thanks Marina!
— C.T. (mother about her 5 year old son) Ft. Collins, CO

Marina’s Comment is that most of the time, bones are casted for the normal length of bone healing time so we don’t get the opportunity to show how QEST helps heal bones!