Post surgery pain

Recovery from a Bad Fall, Post Surgery Knee Pain, and Vertigo Attack Relief

We had a snowstorm and I was shoveling our steep, icy driveway. One turn later, I was on the ground. No protection from my hands that were holding the shovel. I was flat on the ground before I know I had slipped!

Apparently, I had injured or moved a rib or two. When I turned the wrong way, muscles spasmed, and I experienced crippling pain. In fact, I put myself in bed to minimize movement. I even took a muscle relaxant from an unused post surgery prescription from a few years ago. It made me nauseous. I still couldn’t move without triggering the spasms. Then I called Marina and had her work with me.

She used muscle testing to discover that I had misaligned and injured my ribs and spine, as well as found soft tissue injuries. She worked top to bottom, and did the necessary QEST holds and I felt two pops in my ribs. Right away I was able to turn over and sit up in bed without painful consequences.

I was up and moving. Ahhh. What relief!

I have received Marina’s healing treatments for over 10 years. She first amazed my by stopping my debilitating vertigo attacks. Since then, she has helped me in a variety of ways.

This spring, she eliminated the pain in my kneecap after ACL replacement surgery. It hurt going up and down stairs. She treated me using QEST, and the pain was gone immediately, and for good.

Marina is a compassionate, generous, and effective healer. She is a Master Practitioner of Q$EST, and has made a significant difference in my life. I am so grateful for Marina and QEST!

Kathy Dickson